Jan 282012

lately a friend of mine invited me to help ornithologist in ringing the birds. At silent evening we waited for the owls. Mist-net,  erected between poles, is used to capture birds.

Before sun came down, I took shots of the net. The wavy forms, transparent layers complement the elements of  Kuršių Nerija nature, all natural and human-made details  merge into one special atmosphere.  I add it to Kuršių Nerija album.


LT. Esu dėkingas Paulinai, kuri mane pakvietė ornitologui padėti žieduoti pelėdžiukus. Mes tyliai tupėjome tamsoje ir laukėme kada naktinis paukštis papuls į tinklą.

Prieš nusiledžiant saulei išnaudojau progą foto kamera apčiuopti ornitologo tinklus. Banguojantis audinys, tiesios stulpų linijos..  Žmogaus rankų kurinys organiškai susilieja su gamta, papildo ypatingą Kuršių Nerijos atmosferą.








Jan 172012

A few days ago snow arrived..


No special landscapes around my place. Just plain fields, bushes. Finally an evening glow touched the ground.





Jan 162012

Hi, if anybody reading. Hope you’ll stay here. Once a week, here in this place, I’ll post my photo impressions. Though you’ll not find about photo equipment or techniques. Just the result.


Kuršių Nerija is the place impresses me most. The photo bellow has no interesting composition, lighting or clear symbol. But it reminds me salty smell in wet hazy space, sough when you don’t think of anything . The fisherman’s gear on the coast – from simple point it is rubbish. In present picture – the result of human and ocean relationship.

It’s the coast, the border where two elements collide – land and water, humanity and infinity.