Apr 192012

It’s over, but I’m dreaming about Winter. Opening my archives.


I always went around this photo in doubt.  It has correctly composed lines, but very simplistic,  minimum of content. Even so in some way it catches attention, creates strange feeling.



Pole with  non standard form plate against the dull sky, some hand written numbers, some strange winter mood.. Though it’s pointless to look for symbols, confusing..

I acknowledge the attention this photo grabbed from me and include it to Winter album. Revealing the intrigue – it’s mark of foresters on foredune near the sea coast in Curonian Spit.


Another from the same series:



This one I call one off my most meaningful ones. Wide open space on the frozen lagoon – the fishing poles create some order or rules on the wide space.  The wind is free here and the flag implies that. I have no notion to apply the broad meaning of flag symbol.  Emotionally it feels for me like fluttering soul in the abyss of beautiful space.



From the same space:



When the silence sings. (The following wood is not included to Winter album, as doesn’t have printing quality.)